The chemical name of calcium carbide is calcium carbide (CaC2), and the main component is CaC2, accounting for 70 ~ 80% of the total content of calcium carbide. The remaining component Cao accounts for about 20%, and others such as C, Si and Fe account for about 6%. Calcium carbide is an inorganic compound, white crystal, industrial product is gray black block, and the section is purple or gray. I...
timeThu, 09 Sep 2021 11:48:35 GMT
Suitable Extinguishing Media:Small fire: Use flooding quantities of water. Do not use dry chemicals, CO2 or foam. Large fire: Flood area with water from a protected position. Cool containers with water until well after the fire is out. If possible withdraw from the area and let fire burn. Avoid getting water inside containers; a violent reaction may occur. Dam fire control water for later disposal...
timeMon, 06 Sep 2021 11:40:12 GMT
Precautions for Safe Handling:Avoid ingestion and inhalation of vapour dust. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, clothing and other combustible materials. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Application of skin-protective barrier cream recommended. If ingested seek medical advice immediately and when possible show the container or label. Minimise dust generation and accumulation. Use adequate ventila...
timeTue, 07 Jan 2020 11:21:39 GMT
The production process of calcium carbide lump:Calcium Carbide (CaC2), commonly known as calcium carbide, is one of the basic materials of organic synthetic chemical industry. It is an important raw material for acetylene chemical industry. Acetylene made from calcium carbide is widely used in metal welding and cutting.Production methods are aerobic heating me...
timeWed, 21 Aug 2019 11:46:04 GMT
What's your main package of calcium carbide? Our main package of calcium carbide are 50kg New steel drums and 100kg New steel drums,on pallets or without pallets ...
timeMon, 12 Aug 2019 11:47:44 GMT
What's the applications of calcium carbide? (1) The main raw material for proudcing acetylene gas(2)Cutting and welding for metal materials(3)To synthesize polyvinyl chloride(PVC)(4)Fruit Catalyst(5)As desulphurization agent in steel plants ...
timeFri, 02 Aug 2019 14:12:35 GMT
TESTING REPORT OF SETTING RATE FOR CALCIUM CARBIDE Sample size:25-50mm Testing process: (1)Take the calcium carbide sample,size:25-50mm,crushed to size 3-5mm(2)Put 137gram of them into 1000ml measuring cylinder,and put the water to 600ml slowly(3)Continue to put...
timeThu, 25 Jul 2019 10:10:59 GMT
The gas Yield of different sizes are as follows:0-2mm:220L/KG MIN2-4mm:240/KG MIN4-7mm:260L/KG MIN7-15mm:285L/KG MIN15-25mm:285L/KG MIN25-50mm:295L/KG-305L/KG MIN50-80mm:295L/KG-305L/KG MIN80-120mm:295L/KG-305L/KG MIN
timeTue, 14 Mar 2017 15:21:18 GMT
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